Order from the website
This page contains step-by-step instructions on how to place your order from our website.
Step 1 Find what you want to buy
- Type a keyword such as product type or details in a search box which appears at the top of the page.
- Click one of the Browse Categories links to the right of each product homepage to find an item by subject. Then click GO
- Alternatively, click on the menu Online Store to select list of products.
Step 2 Select your product into Shopping Cart
- You may place the items you wish to purchase into your shopping cart
. Also, you may change the quantity of any item in your shopping cart, as well as remove it completely, at any time.
- However, we allow only our members to purchase the products. Therefore, if you would like register with us, please click at member
- When you completed your order, your basket cart will shown as per below
How to change the product quantity
- After you place your items into the shopping cart, you can change the quantity of the items in the quantity box as you wish. Then, click at
the system will automatically recalculate the total price for you.
- Again, if you wish to cancel the item in the shopping cart, you may simply click at the delete box
then calculate box . The system will recalculate the new price for you.
How to add more orders
- You can order many items as you wish by clicking at continue shopping button
. Then, the system will go back to the earlier page for you to choose more products.
To check out
- When you have completed all of your shopping, simply click check out button
Step 3 login
- In order to continue to the next step, the member has to log in to the website. However, if you are the new customer who never register to our website, you have to click at new register button to register before proceed to the next step.
Step 4 Delivery address
- Bravo Music will deliver the products to the address that you have registered with us. However, you can change your delivery address by click at ...button
Step 5 How to pay
- You can choose from our 3 following payment options.
- Once you decided your method of payment, simply click
Step 6 To confirm the purchase
In order to confirm your purchase, simply click for confirmation. We will send the order confirmation to your email. On the other hand, you can check your order status by clicking at Order History Status menu.